As ever I am always looking to upgrade things here and I have made a few changes to my Cine Film archive page. You will notice I now have plenty of samples on display, it took 12 years to show my first sample video and now I think I have 11 of them. This shows what level of cine film transfer the Scanbox 4K is capable of, particularly when all of it’s bells and whistles are engaged. I resisted putting up sample videos even though I know everyone else does, mainly because no-one would ever put up anything less than the best their machine can show and there are some (almost perfect) films that are hard to mess up however hard you try or however poor your machinery is. I wanted to put up film that was not perfect. Sometimes the poorest films are the ones that I have worked hardest on. Moving a damaged or bumpy film that is at best 3 out of 10 up to 7 out of 10 is a far better achievement that moving a film from 9/10 to 10/10 even though the heavily worked on now 7 out of 10 doesn’t look as good as the hard to mess up now 10/10. So you have a “perfect film” with a side by side comparison and also a split screen comparison so you can see how stability control, colour, exposure and grain control have all made massive improvements compared to what a standard flat run is capable of.
As ever give me a call or drop me an email to discuss your cine film or video needs and I will get the very best from your archive.